Welcome to the first real section of the Wizard's tower, the first ongoing adventure by the Master Of Dungeons blog. This adventure will have the players scaling a large tower, that they first encountered in the introduction (you should check it out if you haven't already).
The map was generated using the amazing generator at DonJon. I edited it in paint, took out some rooms and changed the numbers and such around. All of the encounters are original, not the generator however.
The map was generated using the amazing generator at DonJon. I edited it in paint, took out some rooms and changed the numbers and such around. All of the encounters are original, not the generator however.
This adventure is designed for 3-6 Level 1 adventurers, using Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition rules, but it could easily be adapted to any system. At the end of this adventure your players will likely be level 2, and if you use milestone achievement you should level them up.
Feel free to increase or decrease the difficulty, based on number of players or player skill. You are the Master of Dungeons, these are just ideas and inspiration. Let me know if you have any questions or comments either on social media (Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter) or email me at MasterODungeons@gmail.com
MM stands for Monster Manual, I've included a purchase link here and at the bottom of the page.
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Map generated using tools at http://donjon.bin.sh |
Room 1 - Reception
Monsters: 2 Goblins (CR: 1/4 XP: 50 MM: p. 166) Total XP: 100
Treasure: n/a
This room has four hall ways leading off of it, serving as
the main hub of the labyrinth of the first floor of the wizard's tower. Two
goblins were alerted to guard the door by the goblin carrying the young girl,
but if the players take too long then they quickly get bored, going back to
their favourite idle-hobbies, nose-picking and attempting to juggle. If they
see anyone attempt to enter the room they will attack on sight, saying no one
is supposed to be here. Unfortunately for them, neither of them is smart enough
to shout for help.
Room 2 - Meat locker
Monsters: 7 Ponies (CR: 1/8 XP: 25 MM: p. 335) Total XP: n/a
Treasure: n/a
This room is kept private with a flimsy lock, from both
sides. To pick the lock is a DC 8 Lockpicking check, it is also made of fairly
flimsy wood that could be broken down fairly easily. Within the room are 7
small ponies, used for food by the bugbear in Room 3. The ponies are docile,
but visibly afraid. If the players free the ponies, two of them will stay in
the woods near to the tower, willing to help by carrying supplies or small
humanoids. In the corner of the room is a small stage that looks to be built
for children's puppet shows.
Room 3 - Kitchen
Monsters: 1 Bugbear (CR: 1 XP: 200 MM: 33) Total XP: 200
Treasure: 22 sp, 3 gp, polished "Tony" puppet.
A large, angry bugbear thinks himself the chef of the first
floor, and none of the others are brave enough to suggest otherwise, regardless
of the bugbear's lack of culinary ability. He absolutely despises anyone
entering his kitchen, anyone except for Tony, his prized possession and best
friend. Tony is a small, polished wooden puppet, once a popular toy among noble
children in a nearby city. The bugbear somehow found himself with the toy,
talking to it as he cooks. He will defend his kitchen violently, but he will
defend Tony to the death. The coins are sitting in a coin purse, next to the
Room 4 - The Dining Hall
Monsters: 6 Drunk Goblins (CR: 1/4 XP: 50/2 =25 MM: p. 166) Total XP: 150
Treasure: 10 bottles of assorted cheap wine (5 cp each)
Six drunk goblins are alternating drinking cheap wine and
attempting to stomach the chef's mystery meat. The goblins are drunk, so all of
their attacks are done with disadvantage, as well, they are so ill-prepared for
combat that even if the players walk in and talk to them, they will still be
surprised by combat (Missing their first turn). These goblins award half XP
(reflected in the totals above), since they are so inept. If he hasn't been
dealt with already, after four rounds of combat the bugbear from room 3 enters
with a plate of food. If he sees fighting he shouts at the goblins, sobering
them up (and removing their drunken disadvantage and returning their XP to
normal), before joining the fight.
Room 5 - Sleeping Quarters
Monsters: 3 Goblins (CR: 1/4 XP: 50 MM: p.166)
2 Kobolds (CR: 1/8 XP: 25 MM: p.195) Total
XP: 200
Treasure: Lessiroth's Amulet of Beauty Sleep
Two goblins and two kobolds lie sleeping in bunk beds, in a
row filled with a large number of beds, stacked three high. One goblin is
sitting awake at a table, sharpening his sword. If the awake goblin notices
anything out of the ordinary he shouts the others awake, or if he is killed too
loudly. One of the goblins will not wake
under any condition. He has a beautiful amulet around his neck. Upon inspection
it is noticed that the goblin has none of the normal warts and scrapes that are
normal for goblins, and looks incredibly youthful. The amulet falls off the
goblin if he is killed, but otherwise will not come off. The amulet is
Lessiroth's Amulet of Beauty Sleep, and if it is removed the goblin's body will age
into an incredibly old and gray version of his former self.
Room 6 - Rec Room
Monsters: 2 Hobgoblins (CR: 1/2 XP: 100 MM: p. 186) Total XP: 200
Treasure: n/a
Two hobgoblins are sitting on a moldy looking sofa, arguing
about whether little girls can be eaten. They know nothing about any girls
brought into the building, other than a goblin named Gripp was seen bringing
one into the building, and they weren't allowed to eat her. They don't know why
she was brought to the tower, just that she was brought upstairs. The sofa is
facing away from the doors, but they eventually notice anyone in the room and,
upset at the earlier missed opportunity for a meal, try to kill and eat them.
Room 7 - Abandoned Crypt
Monsters : 3 Skeletons (CR: 1/4 XP: 50 MM: p. 272)
1 Goblin (CR: 1/4 XP: 50 MM: p. 166)
Total XP: 200
Treasure: 2 Health Potions
Three skeletons lie around the room. A frightened goblin is
tiptoeing around the skeletons, late for dinner in Room 4, when he eventually
notices the party (unless they are sneaking). When the goblin notices that players he lets out a blood-curdling scream. The drunk goblins in Room
4 are too preoccupied to notice, however the three skeletons in the room take
notice, rising from their rest to attack
anyone within reach. The skeletons will attack whoever is closest without
discrimination, the goblin included. One of the skeletons has two health potions stuck in his rib cage.
Room 8 - Mirror Room
Monsters: n/a
Treasure: n/a
This room is coated on every surface: walls, floor, ceiling,
and doors with mirrors. Despite the decrepit, old appearance of the rest of the
tower, the mirrors in this room are in perfect condition. It is quite
disturbing, but doesn't appear to be dangerous.
Room 9 - Stairs to Second Floor
Monsters: n/a
Treasure: n/a
This room is empty. A door in the south side of the room
leads to a staircase to the second floor. The door is locked, but the door knob
is sentient. The door knob is happy to see some friendly faces, being quite
unhappy with the rough sort of creatures who have made this place their home of
late. He isn't very knowledgeable about the tower, saying that "Nobody
ever explains what's going on to the door knob", although he did notice a
crying girl carried by a goblin go up the stairs. He would definitely like to
help the adventurers to save the girl, but he can't open unless they have the
key. He says there are a few keys carried by different dangerous looking people,
but he knows that a map exists to a backup key in the map room on the west side
of the building.
Room 10 - Map Room
Monsters: 1 Bugbear (CR: 1 XP: 200 MM: 33) Total XP: 200
Treasure: Map to the Backup Key to the second floor.
A bugbear is looking through the many piles of maps in this
room, giggling to himself. The bugbear likes to come in here while others are
busy to pretend to be an adventurer in a faraway land. He gets embarrassed if watched,
and tries to kill any witnesses. In the center of the room is a large map with
Room 11 - Library
Monsters: n/a
Treasure: 2 Spell Scrolls (Level 1) Sleep and Thunderwave
The library somehow seems unappealing to the residents of
this floor. The room is filled with a thick layer of dust. Some of the books
appear to have bite marks in them. If the books are flipped through for any
amount of time, it is likely the players will notice two spell scrolls (listed
above), stuck in one of the books.
Hallway A
This long winding staircase is locked off by the door to Room
11. The door is locked shut with powerful magic, not opening for anyone without
the proper magic key (To make an appearance in a future adventure).
Where to go from here?
The next section of this adventure is up to you. The players need to follow the map to get the key to the second floor. It should be guarded by some monster or enemy, but whoever has it doesn't know what they have. The players should be level 3 before returning to the tower. The Dungeon Master's Guide can help you with creating encounters and daily XP schedules. Make sure to pick up the Monster Manual if you haven't already, and each of your players should have their own Player's Handbook. (Plus if you follow these links you'll help support Master Of Dungeons.
Next you should follow Master Of Dungeons on social media (Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter) to make sure you don't miss the next installment of the Wizard's Tower.
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